How Did Chinese Merchant Achieve $650,000 Orders Using Digital Human?

Use Digital Human to Achieve Order

David, a Chinese merchant from Yiwu, is an experienced 13-year veteran of the foreign trade industry. He has a passion for exploring innovative marketing tools. In 2024, he discovered BocaLive, a platform that uses digital human to live stream, which later became a key component of his sales strategy. Let’s examine how David leverages BocaLive to find new customers and close deals.

Discover the Possibility of Digital Human Live Streaming

In the first half of 2024, David added two new foreign trade orders, both from a customer, for a total of $650,000. The development process was completed in less than two months. It is unlikely that you anticipated this customer would come from AI expansion. However, thanks to AI tools, his number of inquiry leads has increased by 300% compared to last year.

He believes that in 2024, 95% of his new foreign trade orders must come from AI.

AI must be familiar to everyone, and it has become very popular in recent years. It is a topic that is being discussed in all walks of life. But how to combine AI with the foreign trade industry, everyone must be curious.

David used digital human to conduct matrix live broadcasts in multiple stores on Alibaba, obtain inquiry clues, and follow orders on WeChat, phone and email. Maybe it’s hard for you to believe that AI has such a big ability?

Digital human live on Alibaba

AI does have the capability to… David can identify new customer channels for two reasons. The first is to address the information gap. In foreign trade, an information gap can be an advantage. The more information you have about AI tools, the more effectively you can capture customer leads. Also, the more business you will win, the easier it will be to get orders as the customer leads increases. The second is he believes that those willing to study and explore will be the first to succeed. AI is a growing trend, and as long as you are willing to explore its potential, its applications are limitless.

Life is a wilderness, not a track. If you dare to explore, you have already won over 90% of people.

In fact, in the middle of 2023, he began to pay attention to the digital human market. However, there were few tools that could do foreign language live broadcasts, and they were not of a high quality. At the end of last year, he discovered BocaLive, an innovative tool offering comprehensive AI solutions for scripting, dubbing and avatar generation. BocaLive’s low-cost approach immediately caught his attention, as it perfectly aligned with his vision for a cost-effective AI sales solution.

From February to March this year, he started the digital human live broadcast test at Alibaba.

Embark on the Journey of Digital Human Livestream

In the first month of doing the digital human live broadcast, David put some samples on the store. As long as customers come in the live broadcast room, they will guide customers to consult in private messages in the comment area, purchase samples, and obtain customers’ WeChat, phone, or email addresses to facilitate follow-up.

After 2 months of live streams, the number of inquiry leads increased greatly, and his only 2 salesmen were not enough. At the same time, Alibaba also has traffic support for high-quality live broadcast rooms. In the past, new stores couldn’t rush to the home page of Alibaba. But because of the live broadcast, new stores can also rush to the home page of the live broadcast square for recommendations. The feedback he received on the exploration of the AI live broadcast road is still relatively positive.

His two new foreign trade opportunities this year are at the Canton Fair. A week before the Canton Fair in April, an American customer who had purchased samples in a human live broadcast room in March contacted David by email to request a meeting at the Canton Fair. After the meeting, David immediately took the customer back to the factory and then got the first order of $50,000. At the beginning of June this year, the customer renewed the order of $600,000.

David began to rethink the business model. Should he commence the matrix live broadcast on multiple platforms other than Alibaba, the number of inquiry leads would increase exponentially.

Digital human live scene

The way customers are acquired has changed, and so has the team management model. Now that the AI streamer is acting as the salesman, the expansion team must recruit merchandisers, not salesmen in the traditional sense. These individuals will integrate the capabilities of merchandising and business to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

The front-end allows professional operations to expand customers through AI live broadcast and short video marketing on social media at home and abroad and some e-commerce platforms, and de-elite salesmen. Build 5-10 AI live broadcast rooms, only 1 person needs to understand professional live broadcast operation. The ability to operate in this mode is very important, and constantly plan live broadcast rooms to attract customers. Calculate an economic account, an operation is basically equal to 5-10 foreign language salesmen.

The back-end transformation forms a merchandiser team to manage SOP to ensure basic conversion capabilities. Each merchandiser only needs to train the process and skills of communication, conversion, contract signing, and long-term maintenance with overseas customers, and the management is standardized and process-oriented.

In the past, he often complained that the poor performance was due to the poor ability of the salesman. He also felt that managing the salesman was more tiring than doing it himself. This consumed the energy and time of docking and developing customers. As everyone knows, if you find a good business model and market, and the product is good enough, anything is possible.

Many traditional foreign trade companies have a disadvantage because they lack a standard foreign trade business operation process and go it alone. Today’s foreign trade enterprises have standardized SOP processes that reduce costs, improve profits, and increase competitiveness in the market. These processes address aspects of marketing and customer expansion, supply chain management, and H&R management. At the same time, go deep into the customer’s country to develop a high-quality market. This is the only way we can ensure our continued success!

Advice on Using AI Live Streaming Tools

David said that he chose BocaLive because it could build live broadcast rooms in one go. BocaLive offers rich live broadcast templates, AI script writing, and up to 100 AI avatars from Asian and European countries. It also provides over 200 AI voices options, covering 29 languages. The AI dubbing is natural, and customers didn’t realize that the streamer in the live broadcast room is AI. They even asked David if they could contact the streamer.

BocaLive's digital human

In the early days, the use of AI avatar live broadcast on Alibaba can get a lot of traffic support. Many live broadcast rooms can rush to the homepage to recommend and category lists. For people who are already doing Alibaba business, they can quickly enter the game. AI avatars can not only be used for 24-hour factory live broadcast, but also can be used for live broadcast of exhibitions to attract buyers.

But newcomers should not bet too much on Alibaba. As more and more people do AI avatar live broadcasts, the traffic will be divided soon. As AI avatars gradually penetrate the foreign trade industry, the competition for the use of AI in various scenarios will become more and more fierce in the future.

Therefore, the most important thing is to go deep into the market of the customer’s country. Adapt the low-cost AI matrix marketing model to increase the number of inquiry leads and the ability to grab global orders. One of the great things about BocaLive is that it has multi-streaming. It can push a live broadcast to multiple platforms like Alibaba, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn at the same time. This feature lets businesses reach a wider audience and get more exposure.

All in all, if you want to use AI for marketing, the advice is to jump in early. The business model of using AI to efficiently acquire customers on front-end social media and e-commerce platforms and then converting them into sales on the back end is the kind of thing David wants to share with everyone.