Boost Your Lazada Sales with Lazlive: A Complete Seller’s Guide

Boost Sales with Lazlive

Live streaming has become a game-changer in the world of e-commerce, offering a dynamic way to engage customers and drive sales. It provides a unique opportunity for sellers to showcase their products in real-time, answer questions, and create a more personalized shopping experience. Lazlive, Lazada’s dedicated live streaming platform, has rapidly emerged as a crucial tool for sellers aiming to capitalize on this trend. By integrating live video into its e-commerce ecosystem, Lazlive enables sellers to connect directly with consumers, fostering trust and engagement while simultaneously boosting sales.

What is Lazlive?

Lazlive is Lazada’s live streaming feature that allows sellers to broadcast live videos to their audience directly on the Lazada app. It is designed to enhance the online shopping experience by combining entertainment with e-commerce. The platform enables real-time interaction between sellers and customers, which helps to build trust and loyalty.

Key features of Lazlive include:

  • Real-Time Interaction: Sellers can engage with their audience instantly through comments, likes, and questions. This helps to create a dynamic and interactive shopping experience.
  • Product Showcasing: Lazlive provides an excellent platform for demonstrating product features, uses, and benefits in a way that static images or text descriptions cannot match.
  • Exclusive Deals and Promotions: Lazlive allows sellers to offer exclusive deals, discounts, and flash sales to viewers. This can encourage immediate purchases and driving up sales.

Benefits of Using Lazlive for Sellers

Lazlive offers several advantages for sellers looking to enhance their e-commerce strategy:

Boosting Sales and Brand Visibility: By leveraging live streaming, sellers can reach a wider audience and showcase their products in an engaging and interactive format. This often leads to higher conversion rates and increased sales. Additionally, the dynamic nature of live streaming helps build brand visibility and awareness among potential customers.

Direct Customer Engagement and Trust Building: Lazlive provides a platform for real-time interaction. This allows sellers to engage directly with customers, address their questions or concerns instantly, and build a sense of trust and authenticity around their brand.

Access to Lazada’s Extensive User Base: As part of the Lazada ecosystem, Lazlive allows sellers to tap into Lazada’s vast user base. It gives them access to millions of potential buyers who are already familiar with and trust the platform. The integrated shopping experience, where customers can seamlessly make purchases during the live stream, also simplifies the buying process.

How to Get Started with Lazlive?

Getting started with Lazlive is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide for sellers:

1. Download the Seller Center App on your mobile device from the appropriate app store. Then link your seller account with your presenter account.

2. To schedule a livestream session, open the Seller Center App. Tap the Livestream icon under the Tools section, and select “Schedule Live.”

3. Tap “Schedule Live” to begin setting up your session. Enter the necessary details and settings for your stream, and when you’re ready, tap “Go Live” to start. If you want to plan your stream in advance, tap on “Time to Start” and choose your desired date and time.

Tips for Live Streaming on Lazada

To make the most of your Lazlive sessions, here are some valuable tips:

Know Your Audience: Understand who your target audience is and what they are interested in. Tailor your content to meet their needs and preferences.

Create an Engaging Script: Prepare a basic script to keep your live stream on track, but also allow room for spontaneity. Include key points such as product highlights, promotional offers, and calls to action.

Optimize Your Setup: Ensure your streaming environment is well-lit and quiet, with a stable internet connection. Use a good quality camera and microphone to enhance the viewing experience.

Be Interactive and Authentic: Encourage viewers to comment and ask questions, and respond in real time to create a lively and engaging atmosphere. Be genuine and transparent in your presentation to build trust.

Leverage Visuals and Demonstrations: Use visuals like product images, infographics, and real-time demonstrations to keep your audience engaged and highlight product features effectively.

Promote Your Stream in Advance: Use social media, emails, and Lazada’s marketing tools to promote your live stream beforehand and attract more viewers.

Analyze and Learn: Review metrics like viewer numbers, engagement rates, and sales after each live stream to identify what works well and where improvements are needed. Adjust your future live streams accordingly.

Boost Live Selling Sales on Lazlive with BocaLive

While Lazlive is an excellent platform for direct engagement. Using third-party tools like BocaLive can significantly enhance your live streaming efforts. BocaLive is an AI-powered live streaming software that helps sellers manage multiple streams across different platforms, including Lazlive, simultaneously. This tool offers features like customized AI avatars, AI-generated scripts, and real-time AI responses to viewer comments, all of which can increase viewer engagement and optimize the live streaming experience.

Boost Sales on Lazlive with BocaLive

By integrating BocaLive with Lazlive, sellers can automate parts of the streaming process, manage content more efficiently, and reach a broader audience across various platforms, thereby maximizing sales and brand reach.

Steps to go live on Lazada with BocaLive

Step 1. After following the steps above to start the Lazada live stream. Find and copy the stream key and URL in the settings. Open BocaLive, click “Set Live Room” – “Live Settings” – “Live Platform”, select Lazada. Then fill in the Server and Streaming code, and click Submit.

live on Lazada with BocaLive

Step 2. Go back to the BocaLive live room building page, and turn on the multi-streaming in the following two locations:

a. If you want to push streams only on a single platform, you can click Go Live with Virtual Camera in the lower right corner to start streaming.
b. If you want to push streams on multiple platforms at the same time, turn on the switch corresponding to the area of the Multi-channel Live.

go live on Lazada with BocaLive

Step 3. Tap Start to start the live stream in the Lazada Seller Center app.

start live on Lazada with BocaLive


Lazlive offers a unique opportunity for sellers to connect with their audience in a personal and engaging way, driving sales and building brand loyalty. By leveraging Lazlive’s features and integrating tools like BocaLive, sellers can further enhance their live streaming strategy, reach new customers, and boost their e-commerce success.


What do I need to start a Lazlive stream?

You need a Lazada seller account, a well-planned live stream, a suitable environment for streaming, and promotional efforts to attract viewers.

What are the best times to stream on Lazlive?

The best times vary depending on your target audience, but generally, evenings and weekends tend to attract more viewers. It’s important to analyze your previous streams and adjust accordingly.

What type of products work best on Lazlive?

Lazlive works well for a wide range of products, particularly those that benefit from visual demonstration, such as fashion items, electronics, beauty products, and home goods.